Four Discoveries of Praise to God – by Alexander Hume (1560-1609)


How much time do you take to praise God? Alexander Hume gives you four reasons why you should, and explains the wonders of creation and redemption to magnify the being of the Triune Godhead. A refreshing and powerful puritan work!


Four Discoveries of Praise to God, by Alexander Hume (1560-1609)

File Types: PDF, MOBI and ePub
eBook download price: $5.99
eISBN: 978-1-938721-80-9

Print, 100 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $17
ISBN: 978-1-938721-81-6

Alexander Hume (1560-1609) was a Calvinistic Scottish divine, minister, poet and ardent puritan.

Praising God and Christ embodies a distinct essence and depth. It is an act of confessing and rightfully recognizing the vast and intricate perfections and virtues inherent in God. These divine qualities, present in both God and his Son Jesus Christ, demand our acknowledgment and celebration.

Hume’s work explores four critical aspects for which Christians are directed to offer praise: 1. The mercy and goodness of God; 2. The justice of God; 3. The power of God; and 4. The providence of God. Hume articulates that our praise should not only celebrate God for His inherent nature but also for His weighty influence and governance in these key areas of providence.

Christians are called to engage in deep reflection, prayer, and praise for all of God’s deeds, as instructed by Jesus. This includes marveling at the magnificence of God in simple wonders, like the “lilies of the field,” or the “sparrow,” which is under the Father’s sovereign care.

Through Hume’s insights, drawn directly from the Bible, and harnessed by Reformed Theology, believers are guided to appreciate the Sovereign Lord of all creation and the redeeming power of the Son of God, who came to save his people from their sins. Is this not the height to which all Christians ought to praise God and Christ for?

Be encouraged, that if you profess to know God through Christ, then your time of personal devotions, as well as your church life and worship, will have a quality of praise that is answerable to his character. Hume will help you be biblically successful in this.

Take some time to work through this most wonderful topic of praise to God, and adoration to our loving Savior. I can assure you, as this was truly one of Hume’s best works, it will help you love and praise King Jesus by high thoughts and acclamation.

This is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

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