Hell is one of the most dreadful topics, but also one of the most important. 13% of Jesus’ teaching was on judgment and hell. This work by Strong is outstanding. Listen to this Westminster Divine on an important subject.
The Eternity and Certainty of Hell’s Torments by William Strong (d. 1654)
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eBook download price here at the Puritan Shop: $5.99
eISBN: 978-1-938721-42-7
Print, 240 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $29.99
ISBN: 978-1-938721-43-4
William Strong, A.M. (d. 1654) was an active Westminster Puritan and Calvinistic minister. Obadiah Sedgwick, another assembly member, said of him, “…he was so plain in heart, so deep in judgment, so painful in study, so frequent, exact, and laborious in preaching, and, in a word, so eminently qualified for all the duties of the ministerial office, that he did not know his equal.”
In this newly published, but rare work, Strong covers the doctrine of eternal punishment. The doctrine of hell is one of the most unpopular, hated and feared teachings in the Bible. The thought of people burning in hell for eternity is repugnant to the depraved human mind. William Strong treats not only the biblical doctrine of “the certainty and eternity of hell torments,” but also how the conscience works in conjunction with hell upon damned souls. He deals with the description of hell, conscience as a worm in hell, the eternal nature of a hopeless hell and how to escape hell through Jesus Christ.
This is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.