Christ Above All – Flamenco Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon(RM)


Let ‘Christ Above All’ take you on a spiritual journey, where music and faith come together in perfect harmony.


(**All songs updated. The tech is now at a point where it is virtually indistinguishable from music recordings.**)

Christ Above All – Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon
In the style of Flamenco

File Types: ZIPPED file, with Mp3 files
Digital Album download price: $15
Copyright for Music and Songs under A Puritan’s Mind (TM)

McMahon – “I can’t believe technology like this exists today, and that such a thing is even possible. And now to have REFORMED music?”

This is a unique musical journey in the style of Flamenco. (This album is one of my wife’s absolute favorites – and she plays guitar.)

Flamenco, an art form born in the heart of Spain, is a captivating blend of excitement, rhythm, and soul. It is a genre that tells stories of joy, sorrow, and everything in between, through its intricate guitar work, vibrant dance, and powerful vocals.

This album, “Christ Above All,” features fifteen tracks. Two of these are purely instrumental. The remaining thirteen tracks are compositions, each inspired by key verses from the Scriptures that surround the person and work of Jesus Christ, and turned into songs that are both spiritually enriching and musically engaging. Some of these songs have lyrically been drawn from seventeenth century poetry, and others are completely original.

Flamenco has a unique ability to be both relaxing and exciting. Its gentle strumming and melodic rhythms can soothe the spirit, while its vibrant and dynamic passages can stir the heart. This dual nature of Flamenco makes it a perfect vessel for expressing the weighty and timeless messages found in the Scriptures about the sovereign King of Glory, Christ the Lord, who reigns on high.

Watch the video for a few samples of the music and lyrics you can expect from this album.

Be blessed in your endeavors as you personally desire to magnify “Christ Above All.”

USING THE FILES: After purchase, download and save the ZIPPED file (about 180 megs) to your desktop, then extract the files and save them in a folder (right click the file and click EXTRACT ALL). Then transfer them to your phone or MP3 player/device.

C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN; part of the Biblical Reformed Synod of Christ the King. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan’s Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.

Music Tracks
0. Christ the Redeemer – Instrumental
1. Unapproachable Light*
2. Grace Upon Grace*
3. Praise, Praise the Lord
4. Flow Flow, River of Grace
5. If the Son
6. Guide Me
7. Praise the Trinity and Redeemer*
8. Blessed Be
9. Come and Buy
10. Christ is King – Instrumental
11. Christ is King*
12. Christ Above All
13. He Reigns on High
14. Come Hither*

Disclaimer: Technology in creating the music is as advanced as the technology is currently, meaning, in a few of the songs there may be a “techno” sound that enters into the mix. Most of that is hardly noticeable, but occasionally it may be heard if one is listening intently.

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