It’s amazing to be able to listen to good music, while at the same time having the depth of the Westminster Confession depicted without any compromise or shallowness.
(**Completely remastered and updated. The tech is now at a point where it is virtually indistinguishable from music recordings.**)
The Echoes of Westminster – Music Project by C. Matthew McMahon
File Types: ZIPPED file, with Mp3 files
Digital Album download price: $19.99
Copyright for Music and Songs under A Puritan’s Mind (TM)
McMahon – “I can’t believe technology like this exists today, and that such a thing is even possible. It’s amazing.”
“The Echoes of Westminster: a Musical Anthology,” is a composition arranged and created by Dr. Matthew McMahon. This unique anthology utilizes a diverse array of musical genres, including classical, reggae, rap, pop, country, and many others, to teach the content of each chapter of the Westminster Confession.
The 1647 Westminster Confession unfolds across thirty-three chapters, exploring and teaching deep theological concepts such as Christ the Mediator, Justification, and the Providence of God. While many have read the Confession, retaining and understanding its detailed teachings can be challenging. How, then, can we connect the specific content of each chapter to its theological themes? For instance, could you recall the focus of chapters like 16, 23, 31, or 6?
Dr. McMahon has creatively used the medium of music to bridge this gap. By associating each chapter of the Confession with a specific musical piece, this anthology not only enhances our understanding of the content, but also makes the core messages of each chapter memorable. As you listen to each song, its lyrics and melodies encapsulate the essence of the Confession’s theology. (For examples of the music and lyrics, see the attached video above.)
Listeners in Dr. McMahon’s church, who have experienced this anthology during various experimental runs while it was being composed, have consistently praised the project. They appreciate how it harnesses today’s amazing computer technologies used to glorify Jesus Christ and yet explore the depths of the Confession in a memorable manner. Furthermore, Dr. McMahon has achieved this while ensuring that the experience remains engaging while also entertaining.
A PDF file is attached with song types, and all lyrics.
It’s amazing to be able to listen to good music, while at the same time having the depth of the Westminster Confession depicted without any compromise or shallowness.
And, its equally amazing that the technology allows for professional mastering of all the tracks. Overall, I’m personally pleased that such tools are available to us for this kind of application.
USING THE FILES: After purchase, download and save the ZIPPED file (about 350 megs) to your desktop, then extract the files and save them in a folder (right click the file and click EXTRACT ALL). Then transfer them to your phone or MP3 player/device.
C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN; part of the Biblical Reformed Synod of Christ the King. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan’s Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at Reformed.org, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.
Music Tracks
Track 0. Song Title: Introduction to The Echoes of Westminster (Classical, Taken from Thomas Manton’s Introductory Letter)
Track 1. Chapter 1 – Of the Holy Scripture. Song Title: Truth No Compromise (EDM)
Track 2. Chapter 2 – Of God, and of the Holy Trinity. Song Title: Only True Almighty (Rap)
Track 3. Chapter 3 – Of God’s Eternal Decree. Song Title: Chosen Ones (EDM)
Track 4. Chapter 4 – Of Creation. Song Title: In the Beginning (Acoustic Rock)
Track 5. Chapter 5 – Of Providence. Song Title: Guided by His Hand (Bubblegum Pop)
Track 6. Chapter 6 – Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof. Song Title: Fallen From Grace (Heavy Metal)
Track 7. Chapter 7 – Of God’s Covenant with Man. Song Title: The Covenant of Grace (Country)
Track 8. Chapter 8 – Of Christ the Mediator. Song Title: Christ the Savior (Folk)
Track 9. Chapter 9 – Of Free Will. Song Title: Freed at Last (Heavy Metal)
Track 10. Chapter 10 – Of Effectual Calling. Song Title: Born of Spirit (Alternative Rock)
Track 11. Chapter 11 – Of Justification. Song Title: Justified (Rap)
Track 12. Chapter 12 – Of Adoption. Song Title: Children of the King (Dark Country)
Track 13. Chapter 13 – Of Sanctification. Song Title: Walking the Path (Country)
Track 14. Chapter 14 – Of Saving Faith. Song Title: By Faith in the Word (Pop)
Track 15. Chapter 15 – Of Repentance unto Life. Song Title: The Path to Grace (Folk)
Track 16. Chapter 16 – Of Good Works. Song Title: The Fruit of Faith (EMO)
Track 17. Chapter 17 – Of the Perseverance of the Saints. Song Title: Immutable Grace (Heavy Metal)
Track 18. Chapter 18 – Of the Assurance of Grace and Salvation. Song Title: Infallible Assurance (Reggae)
Track 19. Chapter 19 – Of the Law of God. Song Title: Ever Binding (EDM)
Track 20. Chapter 20 – Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience. Song Title: In Liberty We Stand (Bubblegum Pop)
Track 21. Chapter 21 – Of Religious Worship and the Sabbath Day. Song Title: In Spirit and Truth (EMO)
Track 22. Chapter 22 – Of Lawful Oaths and Vows. Song Title: The Solemn Word (Heavy Metal)
Track 23. Chapter 23 – Of the Civil Magistrate. Song Title: The Weight of Power (Dark Country)
Track 24. Chapter 24 – Of Marriage and Divorce. Song Title: A Covenant of Hearts (Choral)
Track 25. Chapter 25 – Of the Church. Song Title: One Church, One Faith, One Lord (EMO)
Track 26. Chapter 26 – Of the Communion of Saints. Song Title: The Communion of Saints (EMO)
Track 27. Chapter 27 – Of the Sacraments. Song Title: Sacred Signs (Heavy Metal)
Track 28. Chapter 28 – Of Baptism. Song Title: Washed in the Water (EMO)
Track 29. Chapter 29 – Of the Lord’s Supper. Song Title: To the Table We Come (Country)
Track 30. Chapter 30 – Of Church Censures. Song Title: Blessed Guidance (Reggae)
Track 31. Chapter 31 – Of Synods and Councils. Song Title: Gather ‘Round (EDM)
Track 32. Chapter 32 – Of the State of Men after Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead. Song Title: Judgment Falls (Heavy Metal)
Track 33. Chapter 33 – Of the Last Judgment. Song Title: In the End (Classical)