“This book should be on a bestseller list. There are few ministers that I have personally heard in church today that preach with the power and practicality of Halliday.” Therese B. McMahon
The Doctrine of Regeneration and Other Sermons, By Thomas Halliday (1799-1826)
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eBook download price: $7.99
eISBN: 978-1-937466-23-7
Hardcover Print, 347 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $39
ISBN: 978-1-937466-24-4
Thomas Halliday is relatively little known by anyone in the Reformed community today, much less the Christian community. This is a tragedy. His sermons are beyond excellent. They are exegetically outstanding and practically powerful as Reformed sermons should be. It is a sad providence that more of his writings are not in print.
As a result of this first volume being reproduced for our day, no doubt, more of Halliday’s works will soon come to light. Sufficient for today is this volume which contains a “Memoir” by Andrew Symington, and seven theologically rich sermons by Halliday which comprise important Christian doctrines: the first and greatest commandment, the doctrine of regeneration, the doctrine of perseverance of the saints, the doctrine of God’s sovereignty and other gems.
Sadly, Halliday died when he was twenty-seven, and only three years into his ministry. But they were Christ-centered and God-glorifying years as a Reformed Presbyterian minister of the Gospel, and he expanded the Kingdom of God in his preaching and ministry in the short time he had.
Table of Contents:
MEMOIR by Andrew Symington
SERMON I: The First and Great Commandment
SERMON II: On Regeneration
SERMON III: On Regeneration
SERMON IV: On the Atonement
SERMON V: On the Sovereignty of Divine Grace in the Election and Salvation of Men
SERMON VI: The Perseverance of The Saints
SERMON VII: Grounds of Fear to Gospel Preachers