Systematic Theology Made Easy – by C. Matthew McMahon


Do you love theology? Sometimes it’s hard to wade through thousands of pages in giant tomes exhausting every possible subject. Don’t you wish there was an EASY systematic theology book? There is….


Systematic Theology Made Easy, by C. Matthew McMahon

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eBook download price: $5.99
eISBN: 978-1-937466-52-7

Hardback Print, 193 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $26.99
ISBN: 978-1-937466-53-4

Paperback Print, 193 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $19
ISBN: 978-1-62663-253-0

C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan’s Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.

This work takes the major themes of systematic theology and places them in an easy to understand format. This is an introductory work for those beginning to study this subject, and deals with systematic theology in bite-size portions, or theological sound-bytes.

The Word of God was given to the Church of Jesus Christ to disclose God’s character, will, acts and plans. In the Word of God is found a host of different subjects that, when compiled, gives the reader the ability to know what God says on those subjects which are revealed in and through the holy Scriptures.

Subjects covered in this work range from the science of theology, to the doctrines of Scripture, of God, of man, of salvation, covenant theology, the person and work of Jesus Christ, the benefits of redemption, the Law of God and even eschatology, including the doctrines of heaven and hell.

This is a perfect primer for the new student of theology, or a refresher for those who want to study the marrow of systematic theology without needing to wade through other volumes which span thousands of pages.

Table of Contents:

Introduction 10
Chapter 1: The Science of Theology 13
The Nature of Theology 15
Natural Theology 16
Divisions of Theology 16
Chapter 2: The Doctrine of Scripture 18
The Books of the Bible 20
Tradition in a Good Sense 22
The Bible is Inspired, Infallible and Inerrant 23
The Bible is Infallible – It will not Fail 24
The Bible is Inspired 25
The Bible Cannot Err – It is Without Error 26
A Note on Plenary Inspiration 26
The Bible is Complete 26
Perspicuity of the Scriptures and the Right of Private Judgment 27
Applying Hermeneutics – Rightly Interpreting the Bible 28
Chapter 3: Theology Proper – The Doctrine of God 29
Proving God 30
The Ontological Argument 30
The Cosmological Argument 31
The Teleological Argument 31
The Moral Argument 32
The Knowledge of the Biblical God 33
God Can Be Known 33
God is Inconceivable and Incomprehensible 34
How do we know God? 35
Definitions of God 35
The Being of God 36
God’s Divine Attributes 37
Infinity 37
Immensity 38
Eternity 38
Immutability 39
Asiety, Simplicity and Impassability 40
God is All-Knowing (Omniscient) and Everywhere Present (Omnipresent) 42
The Wisdom of God 43
The Will of God 44
Omnipotence 45
The Holiness of God 46
Justice 48
The Goodness of God 48
A Note on the Existence of Evil 49
The Truth of God 50
The Sovereignty of God 51
The Trinity 51
The Eternal Generation of the Son and the Procession of the Holy Spirit 54
Excursus on The Divinity of the Incarnate Son of God Jesus Christ 55
Excursus on the Person of the Holy Spirit 79
The Decrees of God 94
Chapter 4: The Doctrine of Creation 97
Genesis’ Account of Creation 98
Excursus on Continuous Creation 99
The Providence of God 104
God’s Government 105
A Short Note on Miracles 107
Holy Angels 108
Evil Angels 109
Chapter 5: The Doctrine of Man 112
Where Does the Soul Come from? 114
Creationism 114
Christ’s Soul 115
The Original State of Man Before the Fall 115
The Covenant of Works (or Covenant of Life) 117
Consequences of the Fall 119
A Note on the Serpent 119
The Nature of the Temptation 120
The Nature of Sin 120
What is the effect of Sin on Men Now? 122
Immediate Imputation 122
Original Sin 123
The Nature of Original Sin 124
Free Agency, Not Free Will 126
Chapter 6: Soteriology, or the Doctrine of Salvation 127
The Abomination of Arminianism 128
The Biblical Scheme of Salvation 130
The Bible’s Teaching of Salvation as Formed Rightly by Augustine 130
Chapter 7: Covenant Theology and Salvation 135
Different Administrations of the Same Covenant 137
Chapter 8: The Saviour, Jesus Christ, in His Person and Work 139
Truly Man 139
Christ is truly God. 140
Christ is One Person. 140
Jesus Christ the Mediator 141
The Extent of the Atonement of Christ 143
The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ 145
Chapter 9: The Call of the Gospel 147
Chapter 10: Faith 151
Chapter 11: Justification 154
Chapter 12: Sanctification 159
Chapter 13: The Law of God 165
The Ten Commandments 165
The Preface to the Commandments 166
The First Commandment 166
The Second Commandment 167
The Third Commandment 168
The Fourth Commandment 168
The Fifth Commandment 169
The Sixth Commandment 170
The Seventh Commandment 171
The Eighth Commandment 172
The Ninth Commandment 172
The Tenth Commandment 173
Chapter 14: The Means of Grace 174
The Word 174
The Sacraments 175
Baptism 176
The Lord’s Supper 179
The Design of the Lord’s Supper 180
Prayer 181
Chapter 15: The Church 184
Chapter 16: Eschatology and the State of the Soul after Death 188
The Intermediate State 189
The Resurrection 189
The Second Coming of Christ 190
Final Events 192
The Final Judgment 192
The Final Abodes of Heaven and Hell 193

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