How Faith Works: Rescuing the Gospel from Contemporary Evangelicalism


What is the Biblical Gospel? Are you content to call yourself an “Evangelical?” Is the Evangelical Gospel the same Gospel of the Protestant Reformation? Is an Evangelical today the same as an evangelical during the time of Luther, Calvin or the Puritans? If the magisterial Reformers suddenly walked into your church today, would they be pleased with the Gospel that is being preached from its pulpit? This work covers the “gospel” of the contemporary church and the remedy found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


How Faith Works: Rescuing the Gospel from Contemporary Evangelicalism, By C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D.
Second Edition

File Types: PDF, MOBI and ePub
eBook download price here at the Puritan Shop: $7.99
eISBN: 978-1-62663-099-4

Print Copy, 239 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $16.99
ISBN: 978-1-62663-098-7

What is the Biblical Gospel? Are you content to call yourself an “Evangelical?” Is the Evangelical Gospel the same Gospel of the Protestant Reformation? Is an Evangelical today the same as an evangelical during the time of Luther, Calvin or the Puritans? If the magisterial Reformers suddenly walked into your church today, would they be pleased with the Gospel that is being preached from its pulpit? These questions are not insignificant. It is of eternal importance to have a sound view of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Bible.

Today evangelicalism is equated with Arminianism, or some type of watered down Arminianism. But Arminianism is not the Gospel no matter what form it comes in. So asking, “What does it mean to believe the Gospel?” is of grave importance. How is a person saved by the work of Jesus Christ? How does true “Gospel Faith” actually work? Does it “work” at all? Contemporary Christendom has been thrown into theological confusion in recent decades and there is a need to rescue the Biblical Gospel from the errors plaguing the church today. This book exists to correct some of those views and explain the basics of true Reformed Theology. It presents a high standard of believing what God truly says about salvation and explores how faith works in believing the Biblical Gospel contained in the pages of Scripture.

C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan’s Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.