GOD IN THE SOUL – Reformed Music Project – Thomas Hooker (1586-1647) – by C. Matthew McMahon (RM)


Just as one puts on clothing, Hooker taught, so must Christians clothe themselves in Christ—day by day, step by step. This Southern Rock Reformed Christian album centers on that theme.


(**Completely remastered and updated. The tech is now at a point where it is virtually indistinguishable from music recordings.**)

GOD IN THE SOUL – Reformed Music Project – Thomas Hooker (1586-1647) – by C. Matthew McMahon
In the style of Southern Rock.

File Types: ZIPPED file, with Mp3 files and Book Files
Digital Album download price: $11
Copyright for Music and Songs under A Puritan’s Mind (TM)

Includes an electronic copy of Thomas Hooker’s Book “Putting on Christ.”

McMahon – “I can’t believe technology like this exists today, and that such a thing is even possible. And now to have REFORMED music? Amazing.”

GOD IN THE SOUL in Southern Rock
In a golden era of preaching within the Christian church, one colonial minister stood out, calling his people to “put on Christ” and live for righteousness. His name was Thomas Hooker—an English separatist, a Pilgrim, and one of the greatest preachers of his time. William Ames, a revered theologian in his own right, once said he had never met Hooker’s equal in preaching or disputing.

In his powerful work, “Putting on Christ”, Hooker unveils the profound truth of being ingrafted into Jesus Christ. He draws from the words of Malachi 3:1, and Romans 13:14 — scriptures, as he shows, that call believers to clothe themselves in Christ, live holy lives, and fight against the temptations of the flesh. When the messenger of the covenant comes, what will men do?

We’ve updated this timeless work in modern print, and taken it a step further. Chapter by chapter, I’ve created a unique music album dedicated to reminding us of Hooker’s essential message: how to “put on Christ.” This album, in 11 tracks, “GOD IN THE SOUL”, draws its heart from Hooker’s teachings. The power of this truth now lives on in a Southern rock album—gritty, raw, and filled with soul. It’s a journey of putting on Christ, killing sin, and living in righteousness. It houses the Christian struggle for sanctification.

Rooted in Hooker’s work, this album serves as a call to every believer to put off the old man and embrace Christ. It’s a reminder that we are to walk daily in His grace and strength, not making provision for the flesh, but stepping into the light of His righteousness. Sample tracks from the album are in the video.

As a bonus, Hooker’s “Putting on Christ” comes in eBook format with your purchase, so you can read his biblical message while soaking in the music.

Just as one puts on clothing, Hooker taught, so must Christians clothe themselves in Christ—day by day, step by step. It’s a life of humility, submission, and complete dependency on the Holy Spirit, where every moment is a battle against the old self, and an embrace of the new man found in Jesus.

USING THE FILES: After purchase, download and save the ZIPPED file (about 150 megs) to your desktop, then extract the files and save them in a folder (right click the file and click EXTRACT ALL). Then transfer them to your phone or MP3 player/device.

C. Matthew McMahon, Ph.D., Th.D., is a Reformed theologian, and pastor of Grace Chapel in Crossville, TN; part of the Biblical Reformed Synod of Christ the King. He is the founder and chairman of A Puritan’s Mind, the largest Reformed website on the internet for students of the Bible concerning Reformed Theology, the Puritans and Covenant Theology. He is the founder of Puritan Publications which publishes rare Reformed and Puritan works from the 17th century, specializing in the Westminster Assembly. He is also a managing partner at Reformed.org, and the Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics.

Music Tracks
1. I’m a New Man in Christ
2. Engrafted Soul
3. Life in Victory
4. God in the Soul
5. Christ Within
6. Grace in Me
7. Possession of Christ
8. Three Ways
9. Meditation’s Light
10. No Provision
11. Heart of Stone and Flesh?

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