This Westminster Divine knows how to press conviction into our soul by causing us to examine what it means to fear God, and serve Him only. An awesome treatise by one of the ablest divines in history to serve King Jesus.
The Soul’s Porter, or a Treatise on the Fear of God, by William Price (1597-1646)
File Types: PDF, MOBI and ePub
eBook download price: $6.99
eISBN: 978-1-938721-66-3
Print, 160 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $19
ISBN: 978-1-938721-67-0
William Price (1597-1646), was a Calvinistic minister of the Gospel and one of the active members of the Westminster Assembly. Baillie considers Mr. Price among the “ablest divines in the Assembly.”
Price’s works are rare. The works in the volume are all that survive. The first work is a treatise on the fear of God. He expounds two texts, “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom,” from Proverbs 1:7, and, “Let us hear the conclusion of all: Fear God…” from Eccl. 12:13. He covers the nature and kinds of fear in general and more specifically and practically the fear of God. He shows the proper distinguishable symptoms of the fear of God, and essential ingredients that constitute true, genuine fear. Price gives a serious exhortation to fear God as well as the means by which the fear of God may be worked on and increased. This treatise brings practical insight into an extremely important subject that many Christians, both in his day and in ours, tend to forget.
Also contained in the volume is his sermon “Man’s Delinquency Attended by Divine Justice Intermixed with Mercy.” This sermon was given to the House of Lords Assembled in Parliament, in the Abby Church at Westminster, on November 25, 1646, during a solemn day of their monthly fast. It is a deeply heartfelt sermon on Ezra 9:6-8 covering the responsibility of the Parliament dispensing justice coupled with mercy.
This is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.