God requires his covenanted people to be covenant keepers, not covenant breakers. That means we are obliged to keep covenant duties while in God’s covenant of grace. It’s not enough to simply say Jesus did it all for me, and then neglect his commands. Christians are bound to keep covenant with God and to use the covenant promises given to them in Scripture for the furthering of their sanctification.
God’s Covenant and Our Duty by Samuel Willard (1640-1707)
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eBook download price: $4.99
eISBN: 978-1-62663-135-9
240 Pages, Print ($18.99) (Buy the Printed book HERE)
ISBN: 978-1-62663-136-6
Samuel Willard (1640-1707) was a reformed preacher of the Gospel in the old South Boston Church in New England, president of Harvard University, and one of the great Calvinistic teachers of his day.
This book by Samuel Willard teaches Christians about God’s condescension to us by way of His covenant, and in light of that, how we are to live before Him. Willard covers the basics of the Covenant of Redemption, Covenant or Works and Covenant of Grace, to more fully explain and teach the biblical mandate and obligation to perform our duty in God’s covenant.
Christians cannot just profess that Christ is Lord; their outward actions must demonstrate the reality of the Spirit’s work in their daily lives. He covers what it means to “keep covenant” with God, what a covenant breaker is, how covenant mercies are applied to Christians, and how we are to use the covenant promises found in Scripture for our sanctification. In the second half of the work he applies the uses of this teaching to both adults and to the children of believers, and how each of them are obliged to keep covenant before God in specific ways.
Also added to this work is a covenant renewal sermon called, “The Necessity of Sincerity in Renewing Our Covenant,” which shows that it is not enough to go through the motions before God in living before Him, but to have a right heart in engaging with God through His covenant promises. This is an exemplary work of the highest caliber on Covenant Theology holding such a high practical aspect to the teaching, as well as the foundational biblical truths concerning Christ’s work and merit on behalf of His people.
This work is not a scan or facsimile, has been carefully transcribed by hand being made easy to read in modern English, and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.