Discovering the Glorious Love of Christ by John Durant (1620-1686)


When you have finished reading this work by Durant, if you soak in even a measure of what he explains, you will come away with being lovesick for the Savior.


Discovering the Glorious Love of Christ by John Durant (1620-1686)

File Types: PDF, MOBI and EPub
eBook download price: $6.99
eISBN: 978-1-62663-398-8

155 Pages, Paperback Print ($18) (Buy the Printed book HERE)
ISBN: 978-1-62663-399-5

John Durant (1620-1686) was a popular independent puritan minister, and was described by Edmund Calamy as an excellent practical preacher of the word of God.

Durant, in this wonderful work on making a discovery of Christ’s love to his people, plumbs the depths of Christ’s transcendent love from Ephesians 3:19, “And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.” He will explain what it means that this love is transcendent. It is a preeminent and supreme love, lying beyond the ordinary range of perception. Can such a study be accomplished adequately in light of Christ’s infinite benevolence to his people?

Durant will take a course to outline and explain four main parts to his overall subject demonstrating how the love of Christ passes knowledge as it, 1. includes the truth and reality of Christ’s love to the saints. 2. As it concludes the height and royalty, or transcendency of that love. 3. As it holds out the apostle’s desire that the Ephesians might know both. And, 4. As it contains the grounds of keeping up the Ephesian’s hearts from fainting at Paul’s tribulations, which is the drift and scope that Paul strives for in them.

In exploring this transcendent love of Christ to the soul, he affirms that it is so high there is no reaching of it, so deep that there is no sounding of it, so long that it exceeds measuring, and so broad that there is no comprehending it. Yet, believers are beckoned to strive to understand, to apprehend it, in its communication to their heart, soul and mind. In fact, when they have finished reading this work by Durant, if they have soaked in even a measure of what he explains, they will come away with being lovesick for the Savior.

This work is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

Table of Contents
Lovesick for the Savior by C. Matthew McMahon
Meet John Durant by C. Matthew McMahon
Sermon 1
Sermon 2
Sermon 3
Sermon 4
Sermon 5
Sermon 6

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