If you were a minister of the Gospel and could only publish one book, what would it be? Whiddon published his on the blood of Jesus Christ cleansing the conscience from sin, and pacifying the wrath of God through the work of the cross. A favorite puritan work! Second Edition.
A Golden Topaz, or Heart-Jewel, Namely, a Conscience Purified and Pacified by the Blood and Spirit of Christ, Second Edition by Francis Whiddon (d. 1656)
File Types: PDF, MOBI and ePub
eBook download price: $6.99
eISBN: 978-1-938721-76-2
Print, 158 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $19
ISBN: 978-1-938721-77-9
Francis Whiddon (d. 1656) was rector of the Church of Moretonhampstead, Devon County, England and sat on the Westminster Assembly.
This work by Whiddon is his only known work. It was primarily prepared for his flock to teach them and remind them about living well before God with a conscience that is purified (regenerated) and pacified (put at peace) by the blood of Jesus Christ and the power of the Spirit of Christ. His principle text is Hebrews 13:18, “For we trust we have a good conscience, willing in all things to live honestly.” Whiddon called this work “his tract” to his flock that they might read over and study the contents so as not to forget how to live their life before Christ and men with a “good conscience.” He covers the definition and meaning of a good conscience; the opposed nature of a natural conscience; the means to purify and pacify a fallen sinner’s conscience; how to hold onto a good conscience and how to exercise it.
Edmund Calamy makes a notation of Whiddon in his work “The Nonconformist’s Memorial” and notes the exceptional character of Whiddon in passing, and the popularity of this work, “The Golden Topaz.”
This is not a scan or facsimile, and has been updated in modern English for easy reading. It also has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
Table of Contents:
Meet Francis Whiddon
The Work of Conscience
To the Reader
The Text of the Topaz
Part 1: The Occasion
Part 2: The Analysis
Part 3: Definition
Part 4: Doctrine
Part 5: A Good Conscience
Part 6: Natural Conscience
Part 7: Means to Purify and Pacify Conscience
Part 8: Having a Good Conscience
Part 9: Reasons for a Good Conscience
Part 10: How to Hold and Exercise a Good Conscience
Part 11: Further Exercising a Good Conscience
Part 12: Holy Tenderness
Part 13: Conclusion
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