God alone determines the manner in which sinners are to approach Him in worship. Do you believe this? Begg explains why this is important as it relates to musical instruments.
The Use of Instruments of Music in Christian Corporate Worship Indefensible, by James Begg, D.D.
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eISBN: 9781937466404
Hardback Print, 180 pages, (Buy the hardback print book Here) $25.99
ISBN: 9781937466411
Paperback Print, 175 pages, (Buy the paperback print book Here) $19
ISBN: 9781937466411
The Regulative Principle states that God alone determines the manner in which sinners are to approach him. More specifically, this work by the Scotsman James Begg applies the Regulative Principle and much scriptural proof to demonstrate that the use of musical instruments in the worship of God’s church in these latter days is, as Begg states, “indefensible.” Begg begins his work quoting John Calvin who says, “In Popery they employed organs and many other such ludicrous things, by which the Word and worship of God are exceedingly profaned.” Begg continues this sentiment throughout the entire work which is a powerful argument against most of contemporary worship that is seen each Sunday in modern churches – even those that “say” they stand on the Bible and the Westminster Confession.
Chapters in this work include: The Scriptural Principle Which Regulates Christian Worship; The Inconsistent Use of Musical Instruments in the House of God Under the New Testament; The Impact of Art on Religion; Dancing in Worship; The Westminster Divines on the Greek term “psalmos,” and much more!