The Reformation’s Light by John Calvin, et al


The writings of the Reformers themselves hold the marrow and the blessing of the Reformation. In this little volume are a series of encouraging writings written by four Reformation giants Beza, Latimer, Calvin and Knox. AWESOME faith-building writings.


The Reformation’s Light, Edited by C. Matthew McMahon, Th.D., Ph.D.

File Types: PDF, MOBI and ePub
eBook download price here at the Puritan Shop: $6.99
eISBN: 978-1-937466-31-2

Print, 208 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $20
ISBN: 978-1-937466-30-5

The writings of the Reformers demonstrate the marrow and the blessing of the Reformation. In this volume are a series of encouraging writings written by four Reformation giants — Theodore Beza, Hugh Latimer, John Calvin and John Knox — theological powerhouses that have lifted their pens time after time so that you, the reader, may be able to glean something important from God’s mouth. These able men have penned some of the most important literature ever written, and contained herein are some of the most heavenly pieces they have given to exhort you to a higher understanding of Jesus Christ, His Church, His discipline, and His salvation.

Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: A Sermon on Isaiah 26 By John Knox
Chapter 2: The Parable Of The Tares A sermon by Bishop Hugh Latimer
Chapter 3: The Parable of The Householder A sermon by Bishop Hugh Latimer
Chapter 4: The Day of Judgment By Hugh Latimer
Chapter 5: An Inventory of Relics By John Calvin
Chapter 6: A Brief declaration of the chief points of Christian Religion by Theodore Beza
Chapter 7: A letter of Wholesome Counsel by John Knox
Chapter 8: “IT IS I, BE NOT AFRAID.” John Knox’s Admonition to England
Chapter 9: The Execution of Servetus For Blasphemy, Heresy, Obstinate Anabaptism, Defended
by John Knox