The “I” of TULIP masterfully expounded by John Preston. Such assurance is wrought from understanding how grace is irresistible!
A Treatise on Irresistible Grace and Other Sermons By John Preston (1587-1628)
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eISBN: 978-1-937466-03-9
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ISBN: 978-1-62663-483-1
John Preston D.D. (1587–1628) was an English puritan minister of the church, and master of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. He was a firm Calvinist, practical preacher, and was highly esteemed by Richard Sibbes and Thomas Goodwin, D.D.
This volume is a compilation of six of Preston’s smaller treatises and sermons.
His first treatise concerns the doctrine of irresistible grace as a cornerstone to Christian assurance. All the letters of TULIP stand or fall together, regardless of how inconsistent some might be in understanding those five points of the doctrines of grace. In this treatise, John Preston takes to task the false teachings of the heretic James Arminius, and demonstrates the error that people can hold themselves in God’s grace, or they can work to an end of salvation in their own strength. Biblical grace is irresistible.
In his sermon on The Pillar and Ground of the Truth, from 1 Timothy 3:15, he shows the role of the church as the truth, and its stance as a pillar by the grace of God. The Church is described as God’s flock and the pillar of truth, requiring diligent care by ministers and adherence to God’s laws and His prescriptions by members.
In his sermon on Isaiah 64:4, A Sensible Demonstration of the Deity, he tackles the wonderful doctrine of God’s existence, coupled with eyeing creation and providence correctly. Preston emphasizes the importance of relying on the Creator, and having foresight and discernment in recognizing and addressing impending dangers surrounding life’s circumstances, knowing full well that God governs all things.
In his sermon on Ephesians 5:15, Exact Walking, “Take heed that you walk therefore circumspectly (or exactly) not as fools, but as wise,” Preston emphasizes the importance of walking with God with exactness as a manifestation of true biblical wisdom.
In Preston’s sermon on 1 Sam. 12:20-22, Samuel’s Support for Sorrowful Sinners, he emphasizes the importance of immediate repentance and returning to God after committing sin. He argues that delaying repentance allows sin to harden the heart further and exposes individuals to more sins.
In his sermon on The New Life, Preston explains 1 John 5:12, where the essence of life in Jesus Christ is explored in contrast to spiritual death. He emphasizes that the quality of one’s life is determined by their desires and actions in Christ, drawing parallels between a life of sin and one of grace; those in Christ, and those outside of Christ.
Preston, as a prominent and capable puritan minister, delivers compelling messages in this work, guiding believers closer to Jesus Christ. It is refreshing to see a minister underscoring the importance of unwavering commitment to true religion, though he lived over 400 years ago.
This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.
Table of Contents:
Meet John Preston by C. Matthew McMahon
Introduction by C. Matthew McMahon
A Treatise on Irresistible Grace
Sermon: The Pillar and Ground of the Truth
Sermon: A Sensible Demonstration of the Deity
Sermon: Exact Walking
Sermon: Samuel’s Support for Sorrowful Sinners
Sermon: The New Life