The Christian’s Duty to Walk Wisely 2nd Edition – by Matthew Mead (1630-1699)


This is, no doubt, one of the best works we’ve ever published. In a simple and easy to follow manner, in two parts, Mead teaches Christians how to fight against Satan’s temptations, and walk wisely in the trials that come to them from God. Secondly, he also shows the Christian how to love Christ more, and love the world less. This is a rare puritan work, and ought to be required reading for every Christian who desires to combat the world, the flesh and devil so that they might walk wisely before God.


The Christian’s Duty to Walk Wisely by Matthew Mead (1630-1699)
(Second Edition)

File Types: PDF, MOBI and EPub
eBook download price: $6.99
eISBN: 978-1-62663-153-3

160 Pages, Print ($19) (Buy the Printed book HERE)
ISBN: 978-1-62663-154-0

Matthew Mead (Meade) (1630-1699) was an independent puritan divine, and popular reformed preacher and morning lecturer at Stepney Church (London).

Matthew Mead’s The Christian’s Duty to Walk Wisely is a practical exploration of the believer’s spiritual journey, addressing the holy command for Christians to navigate life with wisdom and grace. Anchored in Ephesians 5:15–16 and Psalm 131, this work challenges and encourages readers to live with godly discernment and contentment in the midst of temptations.

The first sermon, Walk Wisely, explores the Christian’s responsibility to live circumspectly in a fallen world fraught with temptation and evil. Mead exhorts believers to navigate life with spiritual wisdom—avoiding folly, redeeming the time, and relying wholly on the grace of Christ. Through rich biblical exposition and practical application, he addresses the nature of temptation, the dangers of self-confidence, and the necessity of prayer, faith, and reliance on Scripture. With clarity and pastoral insight, Mead equips Christians to triumph over sin and stand firm against Satan’s schemes.

The second sermon, The Power of Grace, takes its cue from David’s confession in Psalm 131: “Surely I have behaved and quieted myself, as a child that is weaned of his mother.” Mead explores the heart-transforming work of grace that weans the believer from worldly affections and fosters a spirit of humility, contentment, and childlike dependence on God. He examines the believer’s resemblance to a weaned child—helpless yet trusting, detached from earthly vanities yet nourished by the rich promises of God. This sermon offers invaluable guidance on finding satisfaction in Christ and cultivating a life rooted in heavenly affections rather than temporal comforts.

Together, these sermons serve as a guide for professing Christians, offering biblical counsel on:
• Walking wisely in a fallen, temptation-filled world.
• Trusting in God’s providence amidst trials and uncertainties.
• Cultivating humility, contentment, and a teachable spirit.
• Detaching from the fleeting allure of the world and setting affections on eternal joys in Christ.

This second edition of The Christian’s Duty to Walk Wisely brings renewed attention to Matthew Mead’s sermons, carefully updated and clarified for the modern reader while preserving their rich theological depth. This edition seeks to make Mead’s biblical teachings on spiritual wisdom and grace accessible to a new generation of believers striving to walk faithfully in a fallen world.

This is not a scan or facsimile, has been updated in modern English for easy reading and has an active table of contents for electronic versions.

Table of Contents:
Meet Matthew Mead by C. Matthew McMahon 4
Encouraging the Reader by C. Matthew McMahon 10
The Christian’s Duty to Walk Wisely 16
Preface 17
To the Reader 21
Part 1: Walk Wisely 25
Part 2: Walking Wisely in Temptation 30
Part 3: Objection and Answer 39
Part 4: Prayer in Temptation 56
Part 5: Be Believing 59
Second Introduction by C. Matthew McMahon 64
The Power of Grace in Weaning the Heart From the World 71
Dedication 72
Part 1: The Power of Grace 75
Part 2: Contentment 78
Part 3: Humility 80
Part 4: Teachableness 82
Part 5: The Natural Man 84
Part 6: A Gracious Soul 89
Part 7: The Frequency and Strength of Temptation 95
Part 8: Weaning Oneself 99
Part 9: Being Weaned as a Child 109
Part 10: The Promises of God 120
Part 11: Lasting Faith and New Comforts 131
Part 12: How Grace Weans the Heart from Worldly Things 138
Part 13: Application: 143
Part 14: Second Use 149