Sermons, Prayers, and Pulpit Addresses – Alexander Henderson (1583-1646)


Alexander Henderson was “the fairest ornament, after John Knox, of incomparable memory, that ever the Church of Scotland did enjoy.” Here is the first collection of his sermons (during 1638) in print and newly typeset for easy reading!


Sermons, Prayers, and Pulpit Addresses, by Alexander Henderson (1583-1646)

File Types: PDF, MOBI and ePub
eBook download price: $6.99
eISBN: 9781937466640

Print, 563 pages, (Buy the print book Here) $35.99
ISBN: 9781937466275

Alexander Henderson lived 1583-1646, and was one of the Scottish commissioners to the Westminster Assembly. Robert Baillie called him, “the fairest ornament, after John Knox, of incomparable memory, that ever the Church of Scotland did enjoy.”

This current volume is not a facsimile, but newly typeset copy of the original works of Henderson from sermons and addresses given in 1638. It is the only series of sermons and writings of Henderson currently in print for modern readers. These sermons, prayers and pulpit addresses are set in the original language of Old Scottish, but there is a table in the beginning that gives the reader meanings to the old Scottish words that may be unfamiliar.

Henderson is rich in content, a master preacher, and a faithful steward of Jesus Christ’s Gospel. He is eminently practical and readable, and the sermons contained in this volume were to church members, not to doctors or theologians; that makes this volume all the more special for every Christian. In the Christian’s endeavor to walk closely with the Lord Jesus Christ Henderson is a great help. His sermons cut to the quick and are needful for equipping Christians in our day and age. He was a powerful preacher of the Gospel.

“By this gospel of peace I get assurance that all my sins are done away through the blood of Jesus Christ; and this makes me willing to undergo all troubles.” Alexander Henderson